6 games you can play with friends online
With the recent surge of Covid-19 cases in Singapore, restrictions have tightened again and people are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible. This doesn't mean you have to bid goodbye to all social interactions with friends though.
In this article, we list out 6 online games that you can play with your friends to stay connected through the distance.
1. Covidopoly
Number of players: 2 - 5

An online version of Monopoly Deal, covid edition.
2. Colonist.io
Number of players: 4

If you've played the board game Catan, you should be familiar with this game. Colonist.io is the online version coupled with chat rooms for virtual communication.
3. Case of Feelings - Friends Edition
Number of players: 2 - 6

The beauty in this game is its simplicity. Host a Zoom call with your friends, have one person show the question cards on the screen, and bam!
4. Gartic.io
Number of players: unlimited

Players take turns to draw a given word while the others try to guess what's the word. You don't need good drawing skills for this one, it adds on to the fun!
5. Brawl Stars

A personal favourite of mine - Brawl Stars has different maps, modes, and characters that you can play together with your friends in real time. Since it's mostly a team game, you better be performing up to standard!
6. Enchambered.com
Number of players: 2

Navigate to the free online version to try their online escape room with your friend! This is a 2 player game to see who solves the puzzles fastest in order to escape first.
Let us know whether you've tried any of these games and your experiences with them!